
Editions on CD:


� Corpus of Spanish Emblem Books

� The Golden Age of European Emblematics

� Emblems of Wither & Rollenhagen

� Alciato, Emblemata. Critical Edition

� Emblems of the Society of Jesus

� Renaissance Books of Imprese

� Baroque Repertories of Imprese


� Hieroglyphics

� Animal Symbolism

� Mythographies


� Renaissance Numismatics

� Complete Works of Hubert Goltzius

proverbial wisdom

� Erasmus� Adagia. Versions and Sources


� Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua espa�ola

complete works

� Baltasar Graci�n

Treasures of Kalocsa

� Book of Psalms
MS 382, c. 1438


�And when the night arrives, I return home, and enter into my studiolum; and on the threshold I take off that everyday costume, and put on royal and curial vests; and thus I enter into the ancient courts of those ancient men, where I am kindly accepted by them, and where I can feed upon that food that is only mine, for which I was born; where I do not feel ashamed to speak with them and ask them about the reasons of their deeds; and they humanely reply to me; and for those hours I do not feel any dullness, forget every affliction, I'm not afraid ot poverty, and not anxious of death: I entirely rely upon them. (Machiavelli 1513)

In the studiolum, a space that was both real and symbolic, the Renaissance and Baroque man cultivated his intellectual activities. It was simultaneously a library, museum and a private chamber where, in solitude, he could engage in a direct conversation with the learned spirits of Antiquity and their great books and images; the Studiolum also stored prodigious objects that expanded the world further beyond the cares of everyday life.

This virtual Studiolum is a meeting place for researchers where we offer all of those books that the erudite men of the past might have desired. You will find here a growing library of books from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which reproduces all of their words, annotated and with the advantages offered by the digitalized text, presented on monographic CDs:

emblem books, mythographies, bestiaries, herbals, treatises on art and antiquities, geographies, proverb collections, books of aphorisms and apothegms, galleries of illustrious heroes, ancient coins and medallions, mirrors of princes and of courtiers, handbooks of strategy and martial arts, dictionaries and lexicons, reports on newly discovered lands and travels, editions of ancient authors with commentary, miscellanies, enigmas, problems�

Thus, Studiolum offers books that are hard to find, in spite of their clear connection with the great artistic and literary works of the period, books housed in libraries with restricted access or in editions that are difficult to locate.

Studiolum is involved with several editorial initiatives. Some of the results will be made available in our open library. In the section called silva � a modest homage to the humanist art of the note and curious commentary � we will reveal some of the interesting discoveries made in the process of elaborating the texts. It is our hope that the reader will enjoy these as much as we have during the course of our efforts.

Send us your commentary

Commentaries: 0



last minute

� Register to receive our news!

� 5.4: RSA: A Recapitulation

� 4.4: DVD edition of Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua espa�ola

� 18.3: Treasures of Kalocsa, Vol. 1: Psalterium MS 382



Discreet Reader

Sancho Panza and the Turtle

An Encounter with the Inquisition

Phoenix on the top of the palm tree

Canis reversus

His Master�s Voice

Virgil�s best verse

To eat turtle or not to eat it

blog of studiolum

�  Chinatown

�  Un viaje a la mente barroca

�  Unde Covarrubias Hungaric� didicit?


open library

� Bibliography of Hispanic Emblematics

� Horapollo, Hieroglyphica 1547

� Alciato, Emblemata 1531

� The Album Amicorum of Franciscus P�pai P�riz

� Ludovicus Carbo, De Mathiae regis rebus gestis (c. 1473-75)

� Epistolary of Pedro de Santacilia y Pax

medio maraved�

Texts and Studies of Medieval and Golden Age Spanish Literature


directed by

Antonio Bernat Vistarini

Universidad de las Islas Baleares

John T. Cull

College of the Holy Cross

Tam�s Saj�

Budapest, Studiolum

editorial board

Emilio Blanco

Universidad de La Coru�a

Alberto Blecua

Universidad Aut�noma de Barcelona

Carlos Garc�a Gual

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Cesare Segre

Universit� di Pavia

Rafael Zafra

Universidad de Navarra
